Help me please!
Published on January 6, 2006 By Randahl In DesktopX
A couple questions:

Where did this plugin originally come from?
Who made it?
Is it a plugin shipped with DX?
Is there any documentation on it?

I've checked the forums and can only find one reference to it by FrankieJr (Link)

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated?


on Jan 06, 2006
From what i have seen of it. It was used in something SD made (i dont know what) and then it was used by others.

Its a simple little plug-in. it SLIDES the text left - to - right or several other ways.

You add it to a TEXT object and tell it how fast to slide.

Then if you want to change the text you can edit the object.text = "whatever text"

Hope this helps.
on Jan 06, 2006
Thanks Roman, that's good info there! Got any ideas on actual documentation? Or a developer's email for contact? Or even a better place to ask?

on Jan 16, 2006

Personally I suspect that this functionality has been superceded by the ability to manipulate object position by script.